
東芝レビュー12月号 1996 VOL.51 NO.12
■東芝レビュー7月号 1996 VOL.51 NO.7



Public Function Fourier(rows As Variant, Optional window As String) As Variant

Dim rowCount As Long
Dim n As Double

n = Log(rows.count) / Log(2)

If n = Int(n) Then
' データ個数が2のn乗のとき
Fourier = FFT(rows, 1#, window)
Fourier = DFT(rows, 1#, window)
End If

End Function

Public Function IFourier(rows As Variant, Optional window As String) As Variant

Dim rowCount As Long
Dim n As Double

n = Log(rows.count) / Log(2)

If n = Int(n) Then
' データ個数が2のn乗のとき
IFourier = FFT(rows, -1#, window)
IFourier = DFT(rows, -1#, window)
End If

End Function


Public Function FourierAbs(rows As Variant, Optional window As String) As Variant

Dim rowCount As Long
Dim n As Double

n = Log(rows.count) / Log(2)

If n = Int(n) Then
' データ個数が2のn乗のとき
FourierAbs = FFTAbs(rows, 1#, window)
FourierAbs = DFTAbs(rows, 1#, window)
End If

End Function

Public Function IFourierAbs(rows As Variant, Optional window As String) As Variant

Dim rowCount As Long
Dim n As Double

n = Log(rows.count) / Log(2)

If n = Int(n) Then
' データ個数が2のn乗のとき
IFourierAbs = FFTAbs(rows, -1#, window)
IFourierAbs = DFTAbs(rows, -1#, window)
End If

End Function


Public Function FFT(rows As Variant, id As Double, Optional window As String) As Variant

Dim re() As Double
Dim im() As Double
Dim imaginary() As String

'GetRowsArray rows, re(), "FFT"

'ReDim im(UBound(re))
RowsToReIm rows, re, im, window

' FFTの計算
FftCalc re, im, id

' セルへの表示文字列の作成
GetImaginaryStringArr re, im, imaginary

FFT = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(imaginary)

End Function

Public Function FFTAbs(rows As Variant, id As Double, Optional window As String) As Variant

Dim re() As Double
Dim im() As Double
Dim imAbs() As Double

'GetRowsArray rows, re(), "FFT"

'ReDim im(UBound(re))

RowsToReIm rows, re, im, window

' FFTの計算
FftCalc re, im, id

' セルへの表示文字列の作成(パワースペクトル)
GetImAbsArr re, im, imAbs

FFTAbs = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(imAbs)

End Function

' FFTの計算
' re() 実部の配列 添え字は1~Nにデータを格納のこと
' im() 実部の配列 添え字は1~Nにデータを格納のこと
' id 1のときFFT、 -1のとき逆FFT
Private Sub FftCalc(re() As Double, im() As Double, id As Double)

Dim i, i0, i1, j, ns, k, arg As Long
Dim sinVal, cosVal, radTemp, re1, im1, th As Double

Dim n As Long
n = UBound(re)

ns = n / 2
radTemp = 2# * 4# * Atn(1#) / n

Do While ns >= 1

arg = 0

For j = 1 To n Step 2 * ns

k = n / 4

th = -id * radTemp * arg
cosVal = Cos(th)
sinVal = Sin(th)

For i0 = j To j + ns - 1

i1 = i0 + ns

re1 = re(i1) * cosVal - im(i1) * sinVal
im1 = re(i1) * sinVal + im(i1) * cosVal

re(i1) = re(i0) - re1
im(i1) = im(i0) - im1

re(i0) = re(i0) + re1
im(i0) = im(i0) + im1


Do While k <= arg
arg = arg - k
k = k / 2
If k = 0 Then Exit Do

arg = arg + k


ns = ns / 2


' 逆変換のとき
If id < 0 Then
For i = 1 To n
re(i) = re(i) / n
im(i) = im(i) / n
End If

j = 1
For i = 1 To n - 1
If i <= j Then
re1 = re(i)
re(i) = re(j)
re(j) = re1

im1 = im(i)
im(i) = im(j)
im(j) = im1
End If

k = n / 2

Do While k < j
j = j - k
k = k / 2

j = j + k


End Sub

Public Function DFT(rows As Variant, id As Double, Optional window As String) As Variant

Dim re() As Double
Dim im() As Double
Dim imaginary() As String

'GetRowsArray rows, re()

'ReDim im(UBound(re))

RowsToReIm rows, re, im, window

' DFTの計算
DftCalc re, im, id

' セルへの表示文字列の作成
GetImaginaryStringArr re, im, imaginary

DFT = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(imaginary)

End Function

Public Function DFTAbs(rows As Variant, id As Double, Optional window As String) As Variant

Dim re() As Double
Dim im() As Double
Dim imAbs() As Double

'GetRowsArray rows, re()
'ReDim im(UBound(re))

RowsToReIm rows, re, im

' DFTの計算
DftCalc re, im, id

' セルへの表示文字列の作成
GetImAbsArr re, im, imAbs

DFTAbs = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(imAbs)

End Function

' セルの配列を実部と虚部の配列に分ける
Private Sub RowsToReIm(rows As Variant, re() As Double, im() As Double, Optional window As String)
Dim count As Long

count = rows.count

ReDim re(count)
ReDim im(count)

Dim i As Long

For i = 1 To count
re(i) = WorksheetFunction.ImReal(rows(i).Cells)
im(i) = WorksheetFunction.imaginary(rows(i).Cells)

' 窓関数
FFTWindow re, window
FFTWindow im, window

End Sub

' DFTの計算
' re() 実部の配列 添え字は1~Nにデータを格納のこと
' im() 実部の配列 添え字は1~Nにデータを格納のこと
' id 1のときFFT、 -1のとき逆FFT
Private Sub DftCalc(re() As Double, im() As Double, id As Double)

Dim i, t As Long
Dim radTemp As Double

' データ個数
Dim n As Long
n = UBound(re)

' データ個数の半分まで
Dim i1 As Long
i1 = Int(n / 2)

Dim reTemp(), imTemp() As Double

'ReDim reTemp(i1 + 1)
'ReDim imTemp(i1 + 1)
ReDim reTemp(n)
ReDim imTemp(n)

' Cos,Sinの値を先に計算しておく
Dim cosVal(), sinVal() As Double
ReDim cosVal(n - 1)
ReDim sinVal(n - 1)

radTemp = -id * 2# * 4# * Atn(1#) / n

For i = 0 To n - 1
cosVal(i) = Cos(radTemp * i)
sinVal(i) = Sin(radTemp * i)

Dim thIndex As Long
Dim reSum, imSum As Double

' データ数分DFT
'For t = 0 To i1
For t = 0 To n - 1

reSum = 0
imSum = 0

For i = 0 To n - 1

thIndex = (i * t) Mod n

reSum = reSum + re(i + 1) * cosVal(thIndex) - im(i + 1) * sinVal(thIndex)
imSum = imSum + re(i + 1) * sinVal(thIndex) + im(i + 1) * cosVal(thIndex)


reTemp(t + 1) = reSum
imTemp(t + 1) = imSum

If id < 0 Then
reTemp(t + 1) = reTemp(t + 1) / n
imTemp(t + 1) = imTemp(t + 1) / n
End If


' 結果を元の配列に戻す
For t = 1 To n 'i1 + 1
re(t) = reTemp(t)
im(t) = imTemp(t)

End Sub

Private Sub FFTWindow(x() As Double, window As String)

' 窓関数
Select Case window
Case "Hamming"
HammingWindow x

Case "Hanning"
HanningWindow x

Case "Blackman"
BlackmanWindow x

End Select
End Sub

' ハミング窓
Private Sub HammingWindow(x() As Double)
Dim i, n As Long
Dim radTemp As Double

n = UBound(x)

radTemp = 2# * 4# * Atn(1#) / n

For i = 1 To n
x(i) = x(i) * (0.54 - 0.46 * Cos(radTemp * (i - 1)))

End Sub

' ハニング窓
Private Sub HanningWindow(x() As Double)
Dim i, n As Long
Dim radTemp As Double

n = UBound(x)

radTemp = 2# * 4# * Atn(1#) / n

For i = 1 To n
x(i) = x(i) * 0.5 * (1# - Cos(radTemp * (i - 1)))

End Sub

' ブラックマン窓
Private Sub BlackmanWindow(x() As Double)
Dim i, n As Long
Dim radTemp As Double

n = UBound(x)

radTemp = 2# * 4# * Atn(1#) / n

For i = 1 To n
x(i) = x(i) * (0.42 - 0.5 * Cos(radTemp * (i - 1)) + 0.08 * Cos(2# * radTemp * (i - 1)))

End Sub

Private Sub GetRowsArray(rows As Variant, data() As Double, Optional dataType As String)

Dim dataCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim n As Double

rowCount = rows.count

If dataType = "FFT" Then
n = Log(rowCount) / Log(2)

rowCount = 2 ^ Int(n)
End If

ReDim data(rowCount)

For i = 1 To rowCount
data(i) = rows(i, 1)

End Sub

Private Sub GetImaginaryStringArr(re() As Double, im() As Double, imginary() As String)

Dim i, count As Long

Dim strRe, strIm As String

count = UBound(re)
ReDim imginary(count - 1)

For i = 1 To count

strRe = Str(re(i))

If im(i) = 0 Then
strIm = ""
ElseIf im(i) > 0 Then
strIm = " + " + Str(im(i)) + "i"
strIm = " - " + Str(Abs(im(i))) + "i"
End If

imginary(i - 1) = strRe + strIm

End Sub

Private Sub GetImAbsArr(re() As Double, im() As Double, imAbs() As Double)

Dim i, count As Long
Dim p As Double

count = UBound(re)
ReDim imAbs(count - 1)

For i = 1 To count
imAbs(i - 1) = Sqr(re(i) * re(i) + im(i) * im(i))